
90,000 microplastics per application of cream

Microplastics in most cosmetics

Makeup and skin care every day.
I never imagined that our faces and bodies would be covered in microplastics.
The reality is that many cosmetic products contain microplastics.

Would you still wear that lipstick?

For example, lipstick.
Many lipsticks contain polyethylene or polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

As you may have noticed, PET is the plastic material used for plastic bottles, and polyethylene is the plastic material used for cosmetic containers. These plastic raw materials are also used as cosmetic ingredients.

If you accidentally swallow lipstick while eating or drinking, you're ingesting the same plastic that's in plastic bottles and cosmetic containers.
Once ingested, microplastics can reach the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body.

Even lipstick contains microplastics.

90,000 plastic particles smeared on face

Tests have also shown that every time you apply an anti-wrinkle cream, you're actually spreading 90,000 pieces of plastic on your face.

Some of the microplastics contained in the cream are smaller than the diameter of a human hair (60 to 80 micrometers), and some are as tiny as 1.6 micrometers.

The plastic forms a film on the surface of the skin, which gives the impression that wrinkles have been reduced.
It won't get rid of wrinkles, but anti-ageing creams are incorporating more and more microplastics in the hopes of making them look less noticeable.

Are you sure it's okay?

Some people say that it's okay because microplastics don't penetrate through the skin. But is that really true?

The health effects of microplastics are still unclear

If it accidentally enters through the mouth or eyes, it will come into direct contact with mucous membranes, which can have a negative impact on our health.

Microplastics are also made using various additives, some of which are said to have hormone disrupting effects, and the effects they have on humans, especially during their development, can last a lifetime.

But can we still say it's 100% okay?

It is important to know the correct information and protect yourself

There are still many unknowns about the adverse effects of microplastics on our health, beauty, and the environment. Only recently have many researchers and organizations begun to investigate the issue.
I hope that we will learn more and more through future papers and presentations.

Useful information is being distributed via LINE

CONCIO Academy's LINE account provides tips for choosing better cosmetics. Please use it to make truly kind choices for yourself and your loved ones .
Register here → https://lin.ee/jAkRPAs

"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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