CONCIO Academy
We believe that in order to make the right choice, it is important to first have the right information.
That’s why we share as much knowledge as we can on our blog.
In addition, the LINE account provides free support and consultation for any questions or inquiries regarding cosmetics and ingredients.

2024年も残すところあと少し。 CONCIOは「正真正銘の国産クリーンビューティーブランドを作る」 という大きな挑戦に向けて、今年小さな一歩を踏み出せたかなと思います。
2024年も残すところあと少し。 CONCIOは「正真正銘の国産クリーンビューティーブランドを作る」 という大きな挑戦に向けて、今年小さな一歩を踏み出せたかなと思います。


Why CONCIO doesn't use microplastics
CONCIO cosmetics do not contain any synthetic polymers or silicones. We decided on this policy after learning that these ingredients, which are found in 87% of cosmetics, are called liquid...
Why CONCIO doesn't use microplastics
CONCIO cosmetics do not contain any synthetic polymers or silicones. We decided on this policy after learning that these ingredients, which are found in 87% of cosmetics, are called liquid...

Cosmetic preservatives: ranking by danger
To choose cosmetics that you can use with confidence, it is important to check what preservatives are used. We checked the risk level of commonly used cosmetic preservatives in the...
Cosmetic preservatives: ranking by danger
To choose cosmetics that you can use with confidence, it is important to check what preservatives are used. We checked the risk level of commonly used cosmetic preservatives in the...

Announcement of booth and talk session at "Plan...
We will be participating in "Plantful Inspirations 2024" to be held at Daikanyama Forestgate CIRTY CAFE on Sunday, November 17, 2024.
Announcement of booth and talk session at "Plan...
We will be participating in "Plantful Inspirations 2024" to be held at Daikanyama Forestgate CIRTY CAFE on Sunday, November 17, 2024.