
Why CONCIO doesn't use microplastics

87% of cosmetics contain microplastics?!

CONCIO cosmetics do not contain any synthetic polymers or silicones, which is one of the most important policies at CONCIO.

Why did they decide to adopt such a policy?

it is,

"87% of cosmetics contain microplastics"

It all started when I saw the results of a survey conducted by a Dutch environmental organization.
And in Europe, synthetic polymers and silicones

"Liquid microplastics"

I learned that it was called.

Microplastics in skincare and makeup

7kg of microplastics are discharged every minute

The same group's survey also revealed some other shocking data.

Some of them are microplastics as small as 1.6 microns.

Sometimes microplastics are used that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

The microplastics detected in cosmetics in these studies were mostly between 60 and 80 μm in size.

However, some of them were as small as 1.6 μm .
How big is this? (Compare it with ⇩)

  • Pollen: 10μm to 100μm
  • Length of tuberculosis bacillus: approx. 2-4 μm
  • Norovirus: Approximately 0.3 μm

This means that it is not uncommon for the microplastics used in cosmetics to be smaller than pollen grains .

In fact, some are even smaller than airborne pathogens.
(It appears to be smaller than the norovirus or influenza virus.)

Either way, the grains are not large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

Is it true that it doesn't penetrate through the skin?

When I say this,

"The skin has a barrier function, so cosmetic ingredients do not affect the body."

This is a point that is often made.

Microplastic components with unknown risks to skin and health

However, the average size of a human skin cell is 20 μm.

If cosmetic ingredients were smaller than this...
Can we say with certainty that there is absolutely no chance of it passing through skin cells?

The risks are still unclear

Can the tiny microplastics used in cosmetics get into our bodies?
If it enters the human body, will it have any effect?

In fact, the answers to these questions are still unknown.

This is because global research and investigations have only just begun and no conclusions have been reached.

What do you think?

At CONCIO, we believe that "not knowing the risks is the risk," and have decided to use no synthetic polymers or lysicones whatsoever.

The fact that these ingredients don't have any particular effect on improving the skin itself also supported our decision.

On the other hand, these synthetic ingredients are extremely effective in enhancing the functionality of cosmetics and improving the feel when used. They can also create a luxurious texture and keep the cost price low.

There are advantages and disadvantages to either choice.

This is a topic that has drawn mixed reactions from cosmetics manufacturers and environmental groups around the world.
What do you think?

Please let me know your thoughts if you like.

Keiko Kimoto

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