
Are triclosan and triclocarban in cosmetics safe?

Are all cosmetics sold safe?

"Because it's sold in a good store."
"Because someone famous introduced it."

Unfortunately, even these cosmetics cannot be said to be completely safe.

The long-term effects of using cosmetics may not become clear until many years after their release. In fact, there have been cases where cosmetics that were approved for sale by the government as quasi-drugs caused a sudden increase in skin problems, leading to a recall.

Cosmetics that were recalled after release due to skin problems

The same ingredients are found in the antibacterial soaps containing these compounds, Triclosan and Triclocarban, which we will introduce in this article. After antibacterial soaps containing these compounds became popular around the world, their safety began to be questioned.

What on earth happened?

What is Triclosan?

Triclosan is an antibacterial agent found in a variety of antibacterial soaps, detergents, deodorants, toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. It was originally developed as a pre-surgery cleaning agent for medical workers.
Because it kills bacteria and mold and prevents odors, it is now used in many consumer products, including kitchen utensils and cosmetics.

What is Triclocarban?

Triclocarban is another antibacterial agent that first came into use in the 1950s. It is widely used in soaps, body washes, clothing, carpets, plastics, toys, and more.

Are antibacterial soaps containing triclosan clean?

Due to concerns about influenza and infectious diseases, the general public's awareness of hygiene is increasing year by year.

Meanwhile, around 2010, antibacterial soaps started to become popular. Many manufacturers focused on the strong antibacterial properties of triclosan and triclocarban, which were originally intended for medical workers. Medicinal soaps containing these antibacterial agents began to appear one after another, with slogans such as "cleaner than regular soap !" They quickly became popular around the world.

However, in 2005, the US FDA announced that they could not find any evidence showing the effectiveness or safety of antibacterial soaps containing triclosan or triclocarban.

US FDA halts sale of antibacterial soap as safety and effectiveness not recognized

In 2016, measures were taken to halt the sale of antibacterial soaps containing 19 ingredients, including triclosan, within one year . In 2017, it was concluded that antibacterial soaps containing 24 ingredients, including these, could not be sold without prior approval.

Surprisingly, antibacterial soap was useless.

How are triclosan regulated in Japan?

Antibacterial soaps containing triclosan and triclocarban were popular in Japan. Many people may remember that many types of soaps were sold as medicated soaps.

However, following the trend of banning the sale of antibacterial soap in the United States, changes are also occurring in Japan.

In 2016, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare encouraged a change in the ingredients used in medicated soaps.
However, in Japan, this is merely a request to manufacturers, and is not a legally binding regulation.

Other Potential Risks of Triclosan

Endocrine disruption

Triclosan has been repeatedly scrutinized for its endocrine-disrupting properties , with a 2009 study showing it can lower thyroid hormone levels.
Additionally, the EU has established compositional regulations that take into account the risk of endocrine disruption.

Antibiotics may become less effective

Since 2000, numerous studies have found triclosan-resistant bacteria, suggesting that regular use of triclosan may increase the number of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and antibacterial drugs .
This means that some medicines may become less effective.

Accumulates in the body

Triclosan has been found to accumulate in fatty tissue in the human body.
One study found triclosan in three out of five breast milk samples.
A 2005 report by WWF also stated that it had been detected in the umbilical cord blood of newborns .

Other risks with triclocarban

Triclocarban itself is not believed to have endocrine disrupting properties.
However, it has been shown that it may increase the female hormone estrogen and the male hormone testosterone in the body.

Triclocarban has also been identified as an endocrine disruptor.

Endocrine disruptors generally act by mimicking the movement of hormones in the body and disrupting their balance, but triclocarban may have a different and unusual hormone-disrupting effect.

Impact on aquatic life

Triclosan and triclocarban have strong bactericidal properties, which is why they affect the lives of aquatic organisms such as algae and fish after being discharged.

Because triclosan accumulates in water, some studies have shown it accumulates in high levels in fish and other aquatic organisms.

The Current Status of Triclosan and Triclocarban


As mentioned above, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare requested manufacturers to impose voluntary restrictions in 2016. Since then, the use of this substance in medicated soaps and cosmetics has decreased dramatically.

However, their use and sale is not prohibited by law. They can be used in cosmetics up to the following concentrations.

  • Triclosan: 0.1%
  • Triclocarban: 0.3% (however, there are no restrictions on its use in cosmetics that are washed off, such as shampoo)


If a product claims to have antibacterial properties, evidence of said properties must be submitted in advance, and it can only be sold if the FDA approves it.

However, this application and permission is only required when antibacterial effects are touted. It is not prohibited to use them in general cosmetics.


  • Triclosan: Can be used up to 0.3% except in body lotions (however, it is not recommended for use on children under six months of age)
  • Triclocarban: Can be used at up to 0.2% (but not for use on children under 6 months of age ). In cosmetics that are washed off, such as shampoos, it is considered safe up to 1.5%. However, it is not safe to use in mouthwash or toothpaste for children under 6 years of age.

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"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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