
Are essential oils safe for baby skin care?

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic compounds extracted from plants. Although the word "oil" is included in the name, they are completely different substances from other oils such as olive oil.

Essential oils are almost always sold and stored in small glass bottles, each of which contains a number of natural chemicals . The types and concentrations of these substances create the scent of each essential oil.

Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular as natural alternatives to medications and supplements. Although some have no proven medical benefits, many people use essential oils for the following reasons:

  • Improved sleep
  • Relieve body pain
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieves stomach upset

Essential oils are generally safe for adults when used properly. However, there are risks when used on infants and young children. Here are some things you should know about using essential oils on young children.

Use essential oils with caution on infants and young children

Infants and children have thin skin and underdeveloped livers and immune systems, so extreme caution must be exercised when using essential oils to prevent potential risks.
What is comfortable for adults may not be suitable for newborns or infants.

Of course, some essential oils are safe to apply to the skin if properly diluted, but it is true that not all are safe, as there are many essential oils that are highly sensitizing to the skin .
It is important to consider the effects on your baby and use it with caution.

From what age can essential oils be used?

It is generally said that essential oils can be used on children from the age of 2. However, the safe dilution rate for children is 0.5-2.5%, which means they need to be used at a lower concentration than adults.

When using essential oils on infants and young children, care must be taken with the concentration and type.

Essential oils that are not recommended for infants

Not all essential oils are safe for use on children.

For example, peppermint should not be used by children under 3 years old, and eucalyptus should not be used by children under 10 years old. This is because peppermint has the risk of throat and bronchial spasms and neurotoxicity. Eucalyptus can block the narrow airways of infants and young children, causing breathing difficulties. This is especially dangerous for children with asthma.

Other essential oils that should be avoided for use with infants and young children include:

  • Idaho Tansy
  • Hyssop
  • Sage
  • Clary sage
  • Wintergreen

Babies and young children's sinuses, lungs, and bodies are still developing, so in some cases it may be best to refrain from using aromatherapy on the skin, as well as from using a diffuser for aromatherapy.

Growth hormone abnormalities caused by essential oils

Using essential oils on children may also affect their growth hormones.

A 2007 study looked at three unusual cases of prepubertal boys who developed breast enlargement, and found that lavender and tea tree oils were the culprits. The use of these oils on the skin could cause hormonal changes that promote breast growth.

Causes of enlarged breasts in boys

The two essential oils have been shown to have estrogenic and antiandrogenic activity, meaning that repeated skin application of lavender oil and tea tree oil stimulated breast growth hormones in boys and caused breast feminization.

In all boys, breast enlargement disappeared immediately after they stopped using the essential oils.

Essential oils may affect growth hormone in infants

Other points to note about essential oils

Do not apply the undiluted solution directly to the skin.

Essential oils are highly concentrated natural chemicals. They can be irritating to the skin and highly toxic, so they must be properly diluted with a carrier oil. If not used in a safe concentration, they may be more harmful than beneficial to your health.

Do not put the undiluted solution in the bath

Essential oils do not dissolve in water. This means that the liquid floating in the water may come into contact with your skin, which can cause skin irritation. If you feel irritation, you may experience redness or itching.

Do not swallow essential oils

Some types of oils may be labeled as safe for consumption. If so, read the label carefully and follow the directions. Unless a product is labeled as safe for consumption, it should not be taken orally.

Use with frequency in mind

Even diluted essential oils can build up in the body if used multiple times a day, and some types may be too harsh to apply frequently to the skin. It is also best to limit aromatherapy to short periods of time, especially if you have small children.

Do not use near fire

Essential oils are flammable. If they are placed too close to a fire, they may catch fire. Also, their ingredients may change when exposed to high temperatures. Keep them out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children.

Use trusted essential oils

If the following information is on the label, you can be sure the product is from a trustworthy manufacturer.

  • country of origin
  • Plant Name
  • Latin name of the plant
  • The parts of the plant from which the oil is extracted (leaves, flowers, fruit peels, bark, roots)
  • country of origin
  • Customer service phone number and email address


Young children's skin is delicate. Their bodies and internal organs are also still developing. Only adults can properly understand the precautions for using essential oils on children and judge the advantages and disadvantages of using them. It's important to think carefully about what is best for your child.

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*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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