
What is isohexadecane? Its origin, safety, and why it is used in cosmetics

An unknown ingredient written in katakana?

Have you ever seen the name "isohexadecane" as an ingredient in beauty serums, cleansers, and moisturizing creams?

I'm not sure what the name in katakana means...

For those people, this article provides a thorough explanation of isohexadecane.
We will explain in detail about the origin, purpose of use, and safety. If you are concerned about the effects on your skin, please read on.

Origin of isohexadecane

Isohexadecane comes from petroleum. It is refined and processed from petroleum and used as a cosmetic ingredient. It is a light, odorless, transparent liquid ingredient.

When you hear that it is derived from petroleum, some people may think, "It seems dangerous," or "I don't like petroleum."

However, just because something is derived from petroleum does not necessarily mean it is harmful to human skin or health. Many petroleum-derived ingredients have a long history of safe use in the cosmetics industry.

However, there are some petroleum-based ingredients that you should be careful of. For example, the ingredients below:

However, this does not mean that you need to be careful because these are derived from petroleum. Some naturally derived ingredients can cause skin irritation or allergies.

Related article: Why organic lip products irritate your lips

The important thing is to judge based on the characteristics of each ingredient, not on its origin. In other words, the safety of an ingredient cannot be determined by its origin alone.

Isohexadecane is a transparent, liquid cosmetic ingredient derived from petroleum.

Why is isohexadecane used in cosmetics?

Now, let's look at why isohexadecane is used in cosmetics and skin care products. There are three main reasons for its use:

Emollient effect

Isohexadecane is a commonly used emollient ingredient that softens the skin.
Emollient ingredients are ingredients that create an artificial film on the skin, supporting the skin's barrier function to protect it from external stimuli and damage.

However, there is one thing to be careful about when it comes to emollient ingredients.

This means that it does not have the effect of moisturizing the skin itself, so if you apply it to already dry skin, it can cause inner dryness.
It's important to use it on well-moisturized, hydrated skin.

Lighten the texture

Recently, cosmetics with a light and smooth texture and feel are popular.
Isohexadecane can add a smooth, non-sticky texture to cosmetics. For example, it reduces the feeling of thick application in foundations and BB creams, giving them a natural finish.

Increased cleansing power

Isohexadecane is sometimes added to cleansing oils and makeup removers, where it effectively removes oily dirt and makeup.

Related article: Are you choosing the right cleansing oil?

Isohexadecane is expected to have an emollient effect that prevents moisture from escaping from the skin.

The safety of isohexadecane

We understand the benefits of using isohexadecane. But what about its safety? No matter how functional it is, it is important for consumers to be able to use it safely.

Here we look at how global rating agencies evaluate the safety of isohexadecane.

Safety evaluation by CIR

CIR is an American organization that evaluates the safety of cosmetic ingredients. A group of experts investigates and evaluates the safety of ingredients from a neutral standpoint.

Isohexadecane is considered safe at the concentrations currently used in cosmetics. The CIR report also includes the results of irritation tests using the following commercially available products that contain high concentrations of isohexadecane:

  • Hair Oil
  • mascara
  • Eyeshadow
  • Lip primer
  • Eyeliner

None of the tests found any skin irritation and it is considered safe.

Safety Rating by EWG

EWG is an American non-profit organization that evaluates the environmental and health risks of cosmetic ingredients and additives.

In the published database , the risk of isohexadecane is rated as low. The risk of skin irritation and allergies is also low, so it seems like an ingredient that most people can use with confidence.
However, caution is advised for those with sensitive or particularly delicate skin.

We are also distributing information that can only be said on LINE

The CONCIO Academy LINE account provides useful information for choosing safer cosmetics. Register here → https://lin.ee/jAkRPAs

"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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