
Should I avoid BHT and BHA in cosmetics?

Cosmetic ingredients are difficult

Cosmetics come in all sorts of complicated names. Even if you look at the ingredients in an attempt to choose a safer product, you may not understand what they mean and give up.

For example, there are ingredients called BHT and BHA. They are found in a variety of products, including shampoos, sunscreens, and skincare products. But what exactly are these ingredients?

This article explains the properties of BHT and BHA and why some people want to avoid them.

What are BHT and BHA?

The official names for BHT and BHA are "butyl hydroxytoluene" and "butyl hydroxyanisole," respectively. In cosmetics, these are abbreviated to "BHT" and "BHA."

Both are chemicals commonly used as preservatives , have similar names, and have similar properties.

In addition to cosmetics, food and medicines BHT and BHA are used as additives, as preservatives in sweets, processed foods, and medicines such as vitamin supplements.

The raw material for BHT is paint thinner!?

BHT is made from a liquid substance called toluene . Toluene, a paint thinner, is a strong neurotoxin. It is so strong that even slight contact can affect the central nervous system.
It can also cause breathing problems and nausea.

Toluene has also been linked to immune system toxicity and blood cancers such as malignant lymphoma, and can cause developmental disorders in pregnant women when exposed to it.

Toluene, which has many risks, is used to make BHT, which is then used in cosmetics.

In addition, toluene itself, rather than BHT, is sometimes used in nail polish and other products.

BHT is a toxic toluene-based preservative.

BHA: Many Health Concerns

We now know that BHT is made from the scary-sounding chemical toluene, but what about BHA?

In fact, BHA has also been linked to various health risks.

For example, the U.S. National Toxicology Program classifies BHA as a "probable human carcinogen." California's Proposition 65 also lists it as a possible carcinogen.

It is also listed by the European Commission as an endocrine disruptor , meaning it disrupts the function of natural hormones in humans.

How to Avoid BHT and BHA

When you learn what BHT and BHA are, you may be worried about whether it is safe to apply to your skin. However, neither of them often causes skin irritation or allergic reactions. For this reason, many people do not experience any problems when using cosmetics that contain BHT or BHA.

However, there are various concerns about these ingredients. Some people may want to avoid them if possible. In that case, make sure to check the ingredients list for cosmetics to see if they contain "BHT" or "BHA."

In the case of quasi-drugs and medicated cosmetics, it may be labeled as "dibutylhydroxytoluene" or "butylhydroxyanisole."

It's a long name, but if you're interested, please remember it.

Many cosmetic preservatives

BHT and BHA are not the only preservatives used in cosmetics.
( Click here for other articles on preservatives)

There are countless preservatives used in cosmetics, each with its own characteristics and risks. Some preservatives are not a concern in Japan, but are frowned upon overseas.

Finding safe cosmetic ingredients from among the complex list is a difficult task (there are more than 10,000 different cosmetic ingredients in total). But for those who want to avoid risk as much as possible, we recommend CONCIO skincare.

"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

We are also distributing information that can only be said on LINE

CONCIO Academy's LINE account provides useful information to help you choose safer cosmetics.
Register here → https://lin.ee/jAkRPAs

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