
Is iodopropynyl butylcarbamate in cosmetics safe?

Preservatives in cosmetics to watch out for

Basically, any cosmetic product must maintain its quality for three years if unopened. This is required by law to ensure consumer safety.

That is why various preservatives are used in cosmetics.

Propynyl iodobutylcarbamate is one of them. It has a long and difficult name, doesn't it? You may think you've never seen such an ingredient before! However, it is sometimes used in cleansing and makeup products, and even baby wipes .

This article summarizes the purpose of iodopropynyl butylcarbamate and its safety. If you are concerned about whether it is a safe ingredient, please read to the end.

What is Propynyl Iodide Butylcarbamate?

Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate is a synthetic preservative originally used as a wood and paint preservative.

It prevents the growth of mold, bacteria, and other germs. It is also effective against a variety of microorganisms.

In recent years, it has come to be used as a cosmetic ingredient, but its risks have been raised both in Japan and overseas, and most countries have restrictions on the amount and concentration that it can be used in.

Is iodide propynyl butylcarbamate safe?

According to Japanese cosmetic standards, butylcarbamate iodopropynyl can only be used at a maximum of 0.02%. Well-known cosmetic preservatives such as parabens , phenoxyethanol , and sodium benzoate are permitted at a maximum of 1%. Compared to those, the restrictions are quite strict.

On the other hand, it can also be said that it is a high-risk ingredient.

In other countries, it is generally considered safe to use up to 0.1%. However, in the EU, the content of skin care products is limited to 0.01%.
In New Zealand, it is prohibited to use it in lip care and oral care products. At the same time, it is basically prohibited to use it in cosmetics for children under 3 years old. In particular, it is not permitted to use it in products that are applied to the whole body, such as body lotions.

The use of these products in lip care and oral care products is regulated.

Increasing incidence of iodopropynyl butylcarbamate allergy

It has been reported that the incidence of allergic dermatitis has increased since iodopropynyl butylcarbamate began to be used in cosmetics.

In 2013 , a large-scale patch test was conducted in Denmark to investigate the increase in the number of people with allergies to iodopropynyl butylcarbamate between 2000 and 2011.

Of the 9,755 people tested, 54 developed allergies, indicating an increase in the number of people with allergies over this period.

If you develop an allergy to iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, you will experience typical allergic symptoms, such as the following symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis:

  • Red rash
  • swelling
  • itch
  • Blisters

In some cases, the above-mentioned dermatitis symptoms may appear not only on the area where the product was applied, but all over the body. Also, the symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately after application to the skin. The symptoms may appear several days later.

If the use of iodopropynyl butylcarbamate as a preservative continues to increase, it is possible that such allergic cases will also increase.

Safety of iodide propynyl butylcarbamate

Risks other than allergies

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says there is insufficient evidence regarding the risks to humans from iodopropynyl butylcarbamate.

However, it is generally believed to be toxic to the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and may affect reproduction and development. As mentioned above, New Zealand's restrictions on the use of these substances in children's cosmetics may be a preventative measure against these risks.

The CIR , an authority on the safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients, has also expressed concern about the toxicity of the ingredient, saying that it may irritate the skin at concentrations above 0.5%.
In addition, due to the high risk of accidentally inhaling it, it is recommended not to use it in products intended for aerosolization (dispersing fine particles in the air).

Which preservatives are safe?

There was a time when parabens were the preservative used in cosmetics .

However, as awareness of the risks of hormonal effects spreads, more and more consumers are avoiding parabens. As a result, cosmetic manufacturers are constantly looking for alternative preservatives to parabens. Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate has become a new option for such manufacturers.

Unfortunately, there is currently no perfect preservative that is risk-free to the human body, skin, and the environment. In terms of proven use and safety, there appear to be better options than iodopropynyl butylcarbamate.

On the other hand, the number of preservative-free cosmetics is increasing. However, these cosmetics do not necessarily have no preservative properties.

Some cosmetic ingredients have a certain degree of preservative effect to begin with. Typical examples are base materials such as BG and PG , and plant extracts used as bases. Increasingly, these preservative properties are being utilized and combined effectively to give cosmetics the preservative power they need.

Cosmetics containing preservatives and preservative-free cosmetics. It is difficult to say which is safer. However, it is nice to know that there are preservative-free options when you are looking for something with as little risk as possible.

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"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we have implemented our own safety standards by not using 2,500 ingredients, providing global standards of safety to Japanese sensitive skin.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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