
Skin care essentials for weakened skin

Weakened skin that has lost its barrier function

Skin rashes, itchiness, dryness, or chronic skin problems such as atopic dermatitis.

These symptoms occur when the skin barrier does not function properly. Daily skin care is an important factor in alleviating and improving these symptoms.

Skin care methods for weakened skin

If you feel that your skin is weak, try to use skin care products that take into consideration the skin's pH level. Proper skin care will increase the skin's moisturizing ability and reduce the skin's reaction to various stimuli.

In fact, the basic skin care steps for weakened skin are surprisingly simple.

  1. Wash gently
  2. Moisturizes without irritation
  3. Protects the skin

Follow these three steps to help support your weakened skin.

Important points in 3 steps

We will introduce each of the important points to change the way your skin feels in these three simple steps.

1. Wash Weak Skin Gently

Washing your skin cleanses and removes dead skin cells and bacteria from the surface of the skin, while also replenishing moisture and soothing overly dry skin.

However, weakened skin is more sensitive than you might think. To avoid unnecessary irritation, be sure to pay attention to the following points when washing your face and body.

  • Wash with lukewarm water (37℃~38℃) instead of hot water.
  • Do not scrub
  • Do not use nylon towels or other items that may irritate the skin (washing with the palm of your hand is sufficient).
  • Keep baths and showers short
  • When wiping with a towel, do not rub
  • Use face washes and cleansing products only when necessary

Also, the points to consider when choosing a facial cleanser, soap, or body wash are as follows.

  • Fragrance Free
  • Does not contain harsh ingredients or surfactants
  • Soaps with high degreasing power contain vegetable oils with high moisturizing power.
  • pH level is slightly acidic
Correct skin care for weakened skin

2. Use a gentle moisturizer

In weak skin, the skin barrier may be damaged.
So moisturize your skin immediately after washing your hands, typing, or showering, as you need to prevent moisture from evaporating and keep it locked in on your skin.

When your skin is weak, it is more sensitive to irritants, allergens, and bacteria.
According to the American Dermatology Association , to protect your skin from these, it's recommended to use a moisturizer that contains the following ingredients:

In addition to choosing effective moisturizing ingredients, it is also recommended to avoid ingredients that may irritate the skin, such as the following:

  • Fragrances
  • Essential oils
  • Ethanol (alcohol)
  • PG (Propylene Glycol)
  • urea
  • Retinol
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  • Lanolin (some people are allergic to it)
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Be careful, even natural ingredients can irritate your skin.
Also, to prevent dry skin and support the skin barrier, be sure to apply a moisturizer at least twice a day.

Just because you don't feel dry, it's not a good idea to skip applying sunscreen.
Even if you don't realize it, your skin may actually be drying out. Weakened skin needs regular moisturizing, but not too much.

3. Protects weakened skin

It is necessary to protect weakened skin from further damage and irritation caused by UV rays.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays can damage the skin. This not only causes sunburn, but also premature aging. It is also known to increase the risk of skin cancer.

So, try to avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight during the day.
It is best to cover your skin with a hat, sunglasses, a thin long-sleeved shirt, a scarf, etc., and avoid exposure to UV rays. If you absolutely must be exposed to UV rays, use sunscreen.

However, sunscreen products tend to contain many skin irritants and allergens, so when buying a sunscreen, be sure to check the following:

  • Does it contain any allergens or irritants, such as alcohol or fragrances?
  • No UV absorbers are used
  • Is it mineral-based, with titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or selenium oxide as active ingredients?
  • Is it SPF30 or higher and effective against both UVA and UVB?

Other things to be aware of besides skin care

Even when our skin is weak, we come into contact with countless chemicals on a daily basis. So in addition to skin care, you should also pay attention to the following:

  • Wear powder-free rubber gloves when using detergents or chemicals
  • Wear clothes (underwear) made of soft fabrics made from natural fibers such as cotton
  • Use fragrance-free laundry detergent
  • Identify ingredients that irritate your skin


If you use too much skin care on weakened skin, it may actually make the condition worse. If you feel like your skin is not in good condition, try to use simpler skin care products than usual and as gentle as possible.

Useful information is being distributed via LINE

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"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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