
The fact that most "natural cosmetics" contain allergens

90% of "natural cosmetics" contain allergens

Natural and organic cosmetics that contain a lot of natural ingredients are popular worldwide. These cosmetics are often labeled as "gentle on the skin."
But what is the reality?

A 2022 study by three dermatologists from the Stanford University School of Medicine showed that most skin care products labeled "natural" contain allergens.

The study looked at "natural" skin care products sold by three major US retailers.
The study compared the ingredients of 1,651 skin care products, including lotions, soaps, and moisturizers, with allergens, and found that nearly 90% of the products contained ingredients that could cause contact allergies .

Allergens in natural cosmetics

Cosmetics contain many ingredients that can cause skin allergies. This is not limited to preservatives and synthetic fragrances. Even ingredients that are naturally derived or even ingredients that are included in organic cosmetics can cause allergic reactions in humans.

The allergens identified in this survey are not uncommon. They are all ingredients commonly used in Japanese cosmetics, such as those listed below.

Allergies caused by contact with cosmetic ingredients can be prevented by avoiding the causative ingredients.
However, in cosmetics, the ingredient names are often written in Latin-based names, making it very complicated, making it difficult for consumers to distinguish between them.

Survey reveals that 90% of natural cosmetics contain allergens

Are natural cosmetics the cause of the increase in allergies?

The incidence of contact dermatitis is on the rise worldwide. It has tripled in the 30 years since 1996. The motivation for this study by Stanford University was the idea that cosmetics may be one of the causes of the sudden increase in allergy patients.

In other words, there is a suspicion that there is a connection between the increase in cosmetics claiming to be "natural" or "organic" and the increase in the number of allergy sufferers.

In fact, there are no regulations or rules in Japan or overseas regarding selling cosmetics using slogans like the ones below.

  • Organic
  • natural
  • Botanical
  • Natural
  • Naturally derived
  • clean
  • No additives
  • Gentle on the skin
  • Earth-friendly

Therefore, any cosmetic product can be sold using these phrases, and even if it contains the allergens identified in this study, it can still be marketed as "gentle" and "natural."

Nowadays, cosmetics sold with such slogans are rapidly increasing all over the world because there is no need to provide evidence or apply for permission to make such claims.

What happens if you develop an allergic reaction to cosmetics?

Don't underestimate cosmetics. You put them on your skin almost every day, and their impact may be greater than you think.

If you develop an allergic reaction to a cosmetic ingredient, the symptoms may not be temporary. Of course, you may only feel irritation on your skin when you apply the product. However, symptoms such as inflammation, itching, rashes, and blisters may last for several weeks to several months.

Furthermore, unless the causative ingredient is identified, the symptoms may recur if you come into contact with the same ingredient.

Skin exposed to many allergens

A typical skincare or cosmetic product contains between 15 and 50 different ingredients, each of which is made up of countless chemicals. So, depending on how many cosmetics you use, you could be putting over 500 different chemicals on your skin every day .

A survey of 1,651 types of cosmetics by Stanford University found that they contained an average of four to five allergens. Most of the allergens identified were fragrances, and this included more than just synthetic fragrances.
Substances contained in natural plant extracts and essential oils are also a major cause of allergies.

It was also discovered that the same allergens are often found in many products, even products from completely different brands.
By using them repeatedly (or at the same time), you unconsciously increase your exposure to allergens, increasing your risk of developing an allergic reaction.

The more cosmetics you use, the higher your risk of developing allergies.

Why we recommend minimalist skincare

From what we have discussed so far, we can see that the more cosmetics and ingredients you use, the more opportunities your skin comes into contact with allergens. This is exactly why CONCIO proposes minimalist skin care with all-in-one products.

The key to finding allergens is on the ingredient list , where manufacturers cannot lie.

Still, many people hesitate to look at the full ingredient list, not only because the ingredient names are difficult to understand, but also because there are too many ingredients.

That's why we think it's important to reduce the number of cosmetics you use and choose ones with simple formulas, as this makes it easier to identify the ingredients that cause allergies when they occur.

Do fragrance-free cosmetics contain fragrance?

Other overseas studies have looked at allergens in cosmetics. Another US study in 2017 found that even "fragrance-free" products contain fragrances that can irritate the skin.

Also, as consumers began to dislike parabens , other preservatives such as " methylisothiazolinone " and " phenoxyethanol " began to be used in large numbers to label products as "paraben-free." However, there is actually little evidence that these preservatives are safer than parabens.

The above examples show how vague cosmetic product claims can be.

What is the evidence that "natural is safer"?

The same goes for labels like "natural," "natural," and "organic." These labels do not necessarily indicate the safety of the ingredients.

Ingredients derived from natural sources can sometimes be made exactly the same way using synthetic chemical compounds. So why is it said that natural ingredients are safer? Is there any solid evidence other than the image?

We apply cosmetics to our skin almost every day, and for better or worse, these have an impact on our skin, our health, and the global environment.

Keeping in mind the facts we have shared in this article will help you choose cosmetics without being misled by their image. We hope you will find your favorite cosmetics.

*What I want to convey in this article is not that "natural is bad and synthetic is good" or that "natural is unsafe." I hope that you will use this article as a reference for making choices about your own skin and values.

Useful information is being distributed via LINE

CONCIO Academy's LINE account provides tips on how to choose better cosmetics. Please use it to make truly kind choices for yourself and your loved ones .
Register here → https://lin.ee/jAkRPAs

"CONCIO" - A company that thoroughly researches the risks of cosmetic ingredients

CONCIO is the first additive-free skin care product in Japan to receive EWG certification, meeting new standards.

Focusing on the risk of skin irritation and allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients, we strictly adhere to our own safety standards and do not use 2,500 ingredients.
We deliver world-class peace of mind to sensitive skin in Japan.


CONCIO Minimalist Skincare

*This does not guarantee that skin irritation or allergies will not occur in all people.

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